Ag 330: Landscape Design and Nursery Management
A. Landscape Design Drafting
-Drafting Equipment
F. Planning Landscape Designs
-Coloring Tech 1
-Coloring Tech 2
-Coloring Tech 3
-Coloring Tech 4
H. Landscape Design Process
L. Elements and Principles of Landscape Design
-Landscape Examples
-Principles and Elements
M. Nursery/Landscape Equipment ID
-Supplies ID
-Supplies ID Quiz
N. Installing Landscape Designs
-Landscape Installation
O. Maintaining Landscapes
-Landscape Maintenance
P. Nursery Pests and Disorders Identification
-Pests and Disorders ID
-Pests and Disorders Quiz
R. PowerPoint
-Plant ID A-E
-Plant ID F-L
-Plant ID M-P
-Plant ID Q-Z
-Plant Classification
S. PowerPoint ID Quizzes
-Quiz A-E
-Quiz F-L
-Quiz M-P
-Quiz Q-Z