2018-2019 Idaho Agricultural Teaching Positions
American Falls High School-Courtney Knickrehm
Bonners Ferry-Justin Pluid
Burley High School-Brian Lindquist
Caldwell High School- Kattlly Maugh Ford
Cambridge High School-Amy Nichols
Hagerman-Kirt Martin
Homedale High School-Rachel Casey Rheuby
Jerome Middle School-Josh Evans
Marsing-Nicasio Usabel
Melba-Kellsie Peterson
Notus-Kala Hernandez
Parma-Heather Brown
Rigby High School-Casey Sanders
Rigby Middle School-Madison Hall
South Freemont-Denton Perkins
Timberlake-Jacqui Duran
Wilder-Robert Maurer
Weiser High School-Amanda Chaney
West Ada-Kyle Nesbit
St. Maries-Mike Noyes
Malad High School is looking to expand their agriculture education department for the 2018‐2019 school year. Candidate needs to be proficient in the following curriculum areas: Agricultural Mechanics, Agricultural Welding, and Agricultural Fabrication. Would also be beneficial to be qualified to teach Animal Science, Agricultural Biology, and some Plant Science. Candidate would be expected to serve as an FFA Advisor; duties would include successfully training students for various Career Development Events, assist with Supervised Agriculture Experiences, conduct a summer Chapter Officer training, supervise chapter activities, participate in community service events, manage the Advisory Board, and establishing a strong Alumni. Candidate must be willing to work with a teaching partner in continuing to grow the complete agriculture program at Malad High School. A 30 day extended contract is included. For more information please contact Brandi Warren at 208‐534‐6080 ext 401 for an application or visit the school district website at http://www.oneidaschooldistrict.org.